Getting your Motorcycle License in Western Australia

There seems to be much confusion around doing one's motorcycle license. Since 4th November 2018, things have changed and it seems unclear exactly what the situation is.

So what exactly is required to get one's motorcycle license in Western Australia?

Firstly, when going for one's RN (Moped) or RE (LAMS) license, you must first do a learner's test. This is a 35 question, computer base, multiple choice test, where you are required to score a minimum of 28/35 in order to pass. Below are links to three mock tests that you can practice with. The test will be in the same format and these questions will appear in the actual test.
Quiz A
Quiz B
Quiz C

If you already hold a driver's license of ANY class (other than RN), you are not required to log any hours.
If you have never held a driver's license of ANY class or currently hold a RN license, you are required to log hours.

Thirdly, you are required to hold a motorcycle learner's license for a minimum of 6 months, unless you held a learner's permit prior to 4th November 2018 and/or your learner's permit has been renewed.

Fourthly, after the six month period, you are required to do a Hazard Perception Test (HPT). Only after successful completion of the HPT may you do your Practical Driving/Riding Test (PDA/PRD).

After successfully completing your PRA, you will be issued with a license for the class of motorcycle for which you qualify to ride (Moped, LAMS).

If you have acquired your moped license or you have never held a license of any class before, you will be required to following the provisional licensing requirement of red P plates for 6 months, then green P plates for 18 months. This provisional requirement will carry over to any other license that you acquire.

If you have acquired your RE (LAMS) license, you will be required to remain on this license for a minimum of 2 (Two) years, before you qualify for eligibility to upgrade your license to Unrestricted (R Class).

As a RE class license holder, you are entitled to ride an unrestricted motorcycle, provided that you adhere to the conditions for a learner's permit. In other words, you must be supervised by a qualified rider and you must display compliant learner (Yellow and Black L ) plates, while riding.

Once the 24 month period has passed, you may sit a further PRA, using an unrestricted motorcycle.

Bookings for PRA can be done via the Department of Transport PDA Booking Page

When doing your PDA/PRA, it is essential that you are dressed appropriately. You are required to have full cover over your limbs, in other words, no shorts, t-shirts and thongs. Long trousers, long sleeves and closed shoes. Failure to dress appropriately will result in losing your entitlement and not going ahead with the test. A crash helmet is required. Gloves are recommended but not required.

At the time of writing this article, Practical Riding Tests are conducted by assessors at the Department of Transport. You are required to provide a working, roadworthy motorcycle with which to do your assessment. This may be your own personal motorcycle, a friend's or one belonging to an instructor (advisable). Assessments are not conducted by instructors.

Your assessment will be conducted on public roads, with an authorised assessor providing directions that you are required to follow. The assessment will consist of an open road "ride" and three separate "exercises" that you are required to successfully complete. This will be, low speed manoeuvres (O Turns - what used to be called figure 8's in the past). Quick stop, which is a simulated emergency stop from a specified speed over a required maximum distance, a hill park followed by a hill start.

The purpose of the assessment is to assess whether your riding meets the standards as set down my the Department of Transport. The assessment focuses but is not limited to: Competency, Safety and Compliance

For more information, contact BikeSAFE Motorcycle Training via our Contact Us Page

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